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Free Pragmatic Language Resources

Slam Dunk Perspective Taking: Speech Therapy, Pragmatics, Social language

This FREEBIE download focuses on teaching identifying emotions, perspective taking and social problem solving using social scenarios.

No Print Winter Themed Pragmatic Problem Solving FREEBIE

This activity is interactive and NO PRINTING required.

How Does David Feel? A Pragmatic Language Activity

Use these cards to teach emotions/feelings/physical states. Ask students to brainstorm scenarios that would cause them to experience the emotions.

Spring Themed Conversation Starters

These spring themed conversation starters are perfect for targeting social communication skills in both large and small group environments.

Problem Solving 

Problem solving scenarios for middle school and high school aged children.

Social Thinking

Free stuff to use at home or school.

Conversation Starters

Beginning of the year ice-breakers to get to know your students and work on a variety of speech or language skills.

Identify the White Lie

Use this activity to help students begin discussing white lies or half-truths. Students are tasked with identifying whether a statement is or is not a white lie.

Virtual Idioms Activity

Target idiomatic expressions with this multiple choice activity. Action buttons are included to move forwards and backwards.

Problem Solving Visual Aid

Use this problem-solving visual aid when discussing problem-solving activities.

Pragmatic Language Resources: Files
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