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Stuttering / Fluency

Fighting To Be Heard

Maryland Man Talks About His Struggle With A Stutter

"Approximately 70 million people in the world stutter, three million of whom are in the U.S. A number of celebrities and other high-profile figures have stuttered, among them Elvis Presley, Samuel L. Jackson, Nicole Kidman, Bruce Willis, Marilyn Monroe, James Earl Jones, Emily Blunt, Reporter Bryon Pitts, Tiger Woods, Winston Churchhill, King George VI in addition to President Biden."

These guidelines represent a number of ways that adults around that child can help promote the child’s fluency.

FRIENDS is the only national organization dedicated solely to empowering young people who stutter and their families.

Activities and games for kids who stutter.

This free resource illustrates what our speech machine is made up of and the function of our speech helpers.

SLP and stutterer Stephen Groner shares a comprehensive list of techniques for treating stuttering.

NSA provides continued support, top-tier resources, and the latest information to all members of the stuttering community.

The Stuttering Foundation provides free online resources, services and support to those who stutter and their families, as well as support for research into the causes of stuttering.

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A Special Message from Stuttering Specialist 

J Scott Yaruss, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-F, F-ASHA

I’d be delighted to have you highlight on your website— in addition to our books and assessments, we have quite a bit of free content, including handouts, videos, and blog posts all focused on “helping SLPs help people who stutter!”

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